• RyanAIr Flight Cancellation

    RyanAir Flight Cancellation Fiasco – What Are Your Compensation Rights?

    RyanAir flight cancellation fiasco – What are your compensation rights?

    Ryanair has been hit by a shortage of pilots and difficulty in allowing leave to its current who have planned leave. This a developing story. Initially, Ryanair announced the cancellations blaming it on a need to increase its punctuality which had slipped below 80% and a need to allow staff holidays.  Ryanair have had a busy Summer schedule and have taken on 400 pilots but recently they have lost 140 pilots to Norwegian Air who are setting up operations in Ireland. They have announced cancellations flight details up to 28th October 2017. Details can be found on the RyanAir website. There will be other announcements soon.

    • RyanAir plans to cancel 40-50 flights every day for the next six weeks.
    • RyanAir facing up to €20 million in compensation claims
    • As many as 400,000 passengers across the EU affected.

    So what are your rights?

    • The Airline must offer a full refund within 7days of advising you of the cancellation.
    • In addition, compensation is due depending on whether an alternative flight is offered and whether that flight arrives later than your original flight provided the cancellation is the Airline’s fault. In this instance Ryanair, have admitted they have made mistakes so obtaining compensation should be easy.  However, Ryanair are well known for putting obstacles in the way of those seeking compensation.
    • Two sets of compensation amount are payable depending whether the cancellation notice is given within 7 days of the planned flight or with 14 days. Therefore Ryanair does not have a duty to pay compensation for flights on 2nd October and later.  See below

    If your flight was canceled less than 7 days before departure:

    Flight Length 0-1,500 kms eg London to Paris
    Delay Leaves 1 hr + before, lands up to 2 hrs later 2 hrs + late
    Compensation €125 €250
    Flight Length 1,501-3,500 kms eg London to Istanbul
    Delay Leaves 1 hr + before, lands up to 3 hrs later 2 hrs + late
    Compensation €200 €400
    Flight Length 3,501 km eg London to New York
    Delay Leaves 1 hr + before, lands up to 4 hrs later 4 hrs + late
    Compensation €300 €600

    If your flight was cancelled between 7 and 14 days before departure:

    Flight Length 0-1,500 kms eg London to Paris
    Delay Leaves 2 hr + before, lands up to 2 hrs later 4hrs + late or leaves 2hrs + before , lands 2 hrs +after
    Compensation €125 €250
    Flight Length 1,501 – 3,500 kms eg London to Istanbul
    Delay Leaves 2hr+ before, lands up to 3hrs after 4hrs + late or leaves 2hrs+before, lands 3-4 hrs after
    Compensation €200 €400
    Flight Length 3,501 km + eg London to New York
    Delay Leaves 2hr+ before, lands up to 4hrs after 4hrs + late
    Compensation €300 €600

    Our advice is to seek expert help when demanding compensation to ensure you are in front of the queue.

    Flight Delay Pay is a team of travel and legal professionals with vast knowledge and many years of experience working with European Passenger Rights. We work with airlines and passengers all over the world and take on claims up to 6 years back. We understand your pain, so let us take the strain and handle your claim. No win, no fee!

    We will not be beaten on fees. Our charge against all successful claims is the lowest fee of all the reputable Flight Delay Compensation companies.

    Visit our RyanAir Flight Compensation page to submit your claim. Use our clever Calculator to quickly calculate what your claim is worth.

    2019-01-09T09:46:48+00:00September 19th, 2017|Flight Compensation, Ryan Air Cancellations|